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NAFTA: Protect and search brand names professionally

You want to export a product abroad and you don’t know whether your name is already protected there ?
You want to register a domain and avoid expensive conflicts over brand names ?
You want to start a company and are looking for a name that is useable internationally, that infringes no-one’s rights and does not have any negative implications ?
You want to protect your brand against brand pirates and unauthorized use ?
You would like to find out which new product names your competitors want to introduce or who the owner of a particular brand is ?

Each company, each product starts with a name.

Names are the basis for identity, image and recognition. Corporate branding is therefore a decisive factor for success, and can become a very valuable immaterial asset for the company. The top brands have a value measured in terms of billions of dollars.

This requires a professional management of names and brand names, because the danger of expensive conflicts and legal struggles over brand names is becoming greater and greater.
The reason: names are becoming more and more scarce, worldwide there are already over 35 million listed brand names, and each year several hundred thousand join them. To find good names that are free, and do not infringe anyone’s rights, becomes more and more difficult - the necessity to monitor, and defend, existing brands, or even to demand protection for your own name, becomes more and more urgent.

Whoever fails to check whether their own name infringes the rights of a third-party, runs the risk of high losses. In many countries, brand conflicts before the courts are very expensive, and it is often even worse: brochures, advertising and product names have to be replaced anew - any previous recognition is lost. A further consideration is brand and product piracy which damages the value of a brand name. Logos and names can be easily copied directly on the Internet.

TMsearcher24 offers you access to the professional platform, for trademark search, brand monitoring, name making and more, of i-relations GmbH. i-relations GmbH from Germany is a leading supplier for solutions to the management of IPR. With its IPR-Solutions, i-relations GmbH has looked after several thousand customers for many years and sets new standards in product choice and quality as well as in price and efficiency.

i-relations does not give any legal advice and recommends that individual questions concerning name protection and legal rights should be referred to a lawyer specialized in the field of brand names.

An international directory of lawyers and law firms specialising in brand name issues, will be found here.

General tips on brands, names and legal issues involving brands can be found on the FAQ page of Markenbusiness.

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